Curriculum Vitae
I am Full Professor for Geoinformatics at Department of Geoinformatics (Z_GIS) at Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg. I am Heading the GeoAI, GeoKG and GeoSemantics group at Z_GIS. Before that I was Associate Professor at Graz University of Technology, Institute of Geodesy, Research Group Geoinformation. Besides, I was Member of the Commission Information Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. I was Visiting Scholar at the Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara. Previously, I was Asscociated Faculty at Doctoral College GIScience of University of Salzburg, lecturer at University of Salzburg, Department of Geoinformatics, and lecturer at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt/Celovec, Department of Geography. Prior to my affiliation at Graz University of Technology i was Senior Researcher in Geographic Information Science at Research Studios Austria - Studio iSPACE a non-profit research organization.
21.10.2020 | Habilitation (venia docendi) in the field of
Geoinformatics Graz University of Technology, Austria Title of the thesis: "Next Generation Methodologies for Spatial Analysis and Spatial Simulation - Ontologies and Numerical Methods" |
03.2007 - 03.2010 | Surveying and Geoinformation, Dr. techn. Doctoral College Surveying and Geoinformation Department of Geoinformatics Graz University of Technology, Austria Title of the dissertation: "Real-time spatial optimization" (Advisory committee: Prof. Norbert Bartelme, Prof. Michael Frank Goodchild, Prof. Harald Vacik) |
02.2005 - 02.2007 | PhD studies in the field of Applied Mathematics and Operations Research Department of Mathematics Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria |
09.2005 | State Examination for Senior Forestry Service in Austria Passed with distinction |
10.2000 - 07.2004 | School of Geoinformation, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria Graduation with distinction Title of the diploma thesis: "GIS based planning of forest road networks" |
09.1994 - 07.1999 | Technical Forestry High School Bruck/Mur (Engineering degree) Graduation with distinction Title of the interdisciplinary graduation project: "Comparative Study of harvesters in thinning operations” |
Work Experience
since 02.2024 | Full Professor for Geoinformatics Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg, Department of Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), Head of Research Group GeoAI, GeoKG and GeoSemantics |
01.2021 - 01.2024 |
Associate Professor Graz University of Technology, Institute of Geodesy, Head of Research Group Geoinformation, Deputy Department Head |
04.2015 - 12.2020 |
Assistant Professor Graz University of Technology, Institute of Geodesy, Research Group Geoinformation |
08.2018 - 09.2023 |
Member of Commission Geographic Information Science Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna |
05.2016 - 11.2016 |
Visiting Scholar University of California, Santa Barbara; Department of Geography Member of the Research Group of Rick L. Church |
07.2013 - 09.2015 |
Associated Faculty Doctoral College Geographic Information Science ( University of Salzburg |
05.2012 - 03.2015 |
Senior Researcher (PostDoc) Research Studios Austria, Studio iSPACE ( Salzburg, Austria |
10.2011 - 04.2012 | Innovation Engineer Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach Real-time tracking of production assets in the production line Spatial-temporal modeling and simulation of the production process (spatial) Visualization and (geo-) Visual Analytics of various datasets |
09.2011 | Visiting Researcher Department of Finance and Management (Prof. Mikael Rönnqvist) Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Bergen, Norway Swedish Forest Research Institute-Skogforsk (Gert Andersson) Uppsala, Sweden |
10.2010 - 09.2011 | University Assistant (PostDoc) Institute of Geoinformation and Cartography (Prof. Andrew U. Frank) Vienna University of Technology The research work comprises the field of NoSQL databases in spatial applications and semantics, e.g. Web 2.0 and volunteered geographic information. Furthermore, an analytical analysis of spatial-temporal level of detail – which is usable for process modeling with varying granularities – is of current research interest as a starting point for the development of process ontologies and the semantics thereof. |
04.2007 - 04.2009 and 12.2009 - 08.2010 |
University Project Assistant Institute of Geoinformation (Prof. Norbert Bartelme) Graz University of Technology, Austria Researcher in the Project “LISA – Land Information System Austria" ( Researcher in the Project "SOSGuide" Researcher in the Project "Database of Bavarian Dialects in Austria Electronically Mapped" ( |
09.2004 - 12.2006 | Junior Researcher School of Geoinformation University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria Researcher in the Project "NETQUEST" Researcher in the Project "Timber logistics for forest association Carinthia" Researcher in the Project "ROADS - Realtime Online Applications for Decision Support: From Sensors to Decisions" (Link) |
Awards & Grants & Research Funding
02.2024 | Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG),
Program: Austrian Space Applications Program Project: "Virtual Shepherd - Satellitengestütztes Monitoring von Viehherden im alpinen Raum“ Consortium Lead: IEE, TU Graz Principal Investigator (PLUS): Ekanki Sharma, Johannes Scholz Project# FO999910627 Budget: 421k EUR (Funding), 124k EUR (PLUS) |
01.2024 | Austrian Research Promotion
Agency (FFG), Program: EnergieForschung 2023 Project: "Optimierung und Machine Learning für integrierte Klima- und Energiesystemmodelle“ Consortium Lead: PLUS, Z_GIS Principal Investigator (PLUS): Johannes Scholz Project# FO999910946 Budget: 987k EUR (Funding), 114k EUR (PLUS) |
02.2023 | Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG),
Program: FORTE Ausschreibung 2022 Project: "GeoCrow - GeoSemantic and Crowdsourced enhanced Virtual Reality for Situational Awareness“ Consortium Lead: Johannes Scholz Project# FO999895161 Budget: 610k EUR (Funding), 156k EUR (TU Graz) |
09.2022 | Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) CaGIS Rising Grant Program 2021 Project “Modeling and Visualizing the Extents of Historical Regions” Principal Investigators: Ivan Majic, Rizwan Bulbul, Johannes Scholz, Karl Grossner, and Eric Delmelle (Graz University of Technology, University of Pittsburgh, University of North Carolina at Charlotte) Budget (funding): $9,848 |
11.2022 | Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG),
Program: AI for Green 2021 Project: "ABM4EnergyTransition - Agent-based Simulation of Transition Scenarios for regional Heating and Energy Transformation" Consortium Lead: Johannes Scholz Project No: FO999892237 Budget (Funding): 489k EUR (overall), 129k EUR (TU Graz) |
04.2022 | Waldfonds Austria (Federal Ministry for
Agriculture, Regions and Tourism), Ausschreibung 2021 Project: "IGNITE - Improved Assessment of Forest Fire Susceptibility" Budget (Funding): 379k EUR (overall), 63k EUR (TU Graz) |
01.2022 | Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG),
Program: Energieforschung (e!Mission), 7.
Ausschreibung 2021 Project: "Analyse von Flächen und Energiepotenzialen mittels KI für alternative PV-Systeme als Beitrag zum EAG" Budget (Funding): 585k EUR (overall), 90k EUR (TU Graz, IfG) |
11.2021 | Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG),
Program: ICT of the Future 2020 Project "Data-driven Tourism for Sustainability" Project No: FO999888491 Budget (Funding): 728k EUR (overall), 173k EUR (TU Graz) |
03.2021 | Steirische Forschungsgesellschaft, Viehfinder
- DI Peter Lederer Project "Viehfinder - spatial optimization for antenna positions" (Budget for TU Graz: 9k EUR) |
09.2018 | Provincial Government of Styria, Austria -
Abt. 14 (Wasserwirtschaft, Ressourcen und Nachhaltigkeit) Project "Steirerteich" (Total budget: 100k EUR, Budget for TU Graz: 25k EUR) |
02.2018 | European Environmental Agency subcontract for Corine
Landcover + "Technical specifications for implementation of CLC+ based on the EAGLE concept – Implementation Phase" (ca. 25k EUR) |
12.2017 | Subcontractor for UASIS: Development of a Land Use and
Land Cover Database and Datamodel for Turkey. (ca. 12k EUR) |
11.2017 | European Environmental Agency subcontract for Corine
Landcover + (as part of the Copernicus Initiative). (ca. 12 k
EUR) |
10.2015 | MSc Thesis funded by Infineon Technologies: "Spatial
Data Infrastructure for Indoor Manufacturing Environments: A Case Study at a Semiconductor Manufacturing Company." |
11.2014 | PhD Thesis funded by Infineon Technologies:
"Modeling, Analyzing and Simulating in Indoor
Production Spaces" Funding for 1 PhD Student for 3 years |
02.2014 | Bachelor's Thesis funded by Infineon
Technologies: "Analyzing and Monitoring of Transport
Processes in an Indoor Environment" Funding for 1 Student for 4 Months |
01.2014 | Research Proposal "ASSIST 4.0" submitted
to FFG funding programme "Future Production"
("Produktion der Zukunft") is selected for funding! Collaborative Research Project (30 months): - overall project budget: ~3 Mio EUR; overall grant sum: ~1,9 Mio EUR - budget for RSA iSPACE: ~285k EUR; grant sum for RSA: ~230k EUR |
05.2013 | EU FP7 Call
FP7-NMP-2013-SME-7: Proposal FOCUS (together with 11 Partners from Europe): Collaborative Research Project Grant (30 months): Grant Sum: Approx 4 Mio EUR, Grant for iSPACE: 400k EUR |
03.2013 | Master's Thesis funded by Infineon
Technologies: "Tracking of Production Assets in an indoor
Environment" Funding for 1 Master Student for 10 months |
03.2011 | Short term scientific mission grant COST Initiative FP0804 “Forestry Decision Support Systems” funding for a one month research stay at Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen (Norway) in 2010 and 2011 |
05.2010 | Scientific Workshop Grant International energis’10 Workshop in Dushanbe, Tajikistan: 20.09.2010 - 24.09.2010. Institution: Eurasia Pacific Uninet |
05.2009 | Scientific
Workshop Grant International OpenSolarCA’09 Workshop in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: 24.08.2009 - 26.08.2009. Institution: Eurasia Pacific Uninet |
2020 | ISPRS – International Journal of Geo-Information: Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020 |
04.2011 | Forschungspreis of the Province of Styria (Simulation and Modeling) Finalist |
03.2011 | Geoinformatics Thesis Award - Finalist Institution: Technical University Munich (Runder Tisch GIS) |
2010 | Short term scientific mission grant of COST Initiative FP0804 “Forestry Decision Support Systems” - funding for a one month research stay at Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen (Norway) in 2010 |
09.2005 | Winner of the diploma thesis contest 2005 of "Build! akademisches Gründerzentrum Kärnten GmbH" |
Professional Activities, Functions in Research Societies & Program Committees
2023 | Program Committee Member of “GIScience 2023” – 12th
International Conference on Geographic Information Science,
Leeds, UK. |
2022 | Program Committee of 3nd Spatial Data Science
Symposium, University of California, Santa Barbara (
2022 | Program Committee of 4th Spatial Humanities Conference
(Spatial Humanities 2022), Ghent, Belgium
( |
2022 | Program Committee of COSIT 2022 (15th
Conference on Spatial Information Theory 2022), Kobe, Japan
( |
2022 | Program Committee of 18th International Conference on
Intelligent Environments (IE 2022), Biarritz, France
( |
2021 | Program Committee of 2nd Spatial Data Science
Symposium, University of California, Santa Barbara
( |
2021 | Organizing Committee “The 1st International Workshop
on Methods, Models, and Resources for Geospatial Knowledge
Graphs and GeoAI” – co-located with GIScience 2021
( |
2020 | Program Committee Member of GIScience 2021 - 11th
International Conference on Geographic Information Science
(Poznan, Poland) |
2019 | Workshop Chair of Conference
on Spatial Information Theory 2019
(, Regensburg, Germany |
2018 | Program Committee Member of
Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility 2018, (,
Skiathos, Greece |
2017 | Member of the Scientific Committee of the 4th
Conference on Sustainable Urban Transport Conference: |
2017 | Member of Program Committee of International Data Science Conference series ( |
since 2015 | Member of the Reviewing Committee GI_Forum
>> now GI_Salzburg ( both Journal and Conference GI_Forum conference: GI_Forum Journal (all issues): |
2014 |
Scientific Committee Member of the Conference Service Oriented Mapping 2014 (SOMAP2014) |
since 01/2014 | Program Committee Member of AGIT Conference Series (Salzburg, Austria) >> now GI_Salzburg ( |
2013 |
Mentor in
Google Summer of Code 2013 (along with Steve
Woodbridge and Daniel Kastl) - OSGeo Project "Implementation
of VRP Solution in pgRouting" |
2010 | Scientific Workshop Organization Committee: International energis’10 Workshop in Dushanbe, Tajikistan: 20.09.2010 - 24.09.2010. |
2009 | Scientific Workshop Organization Committee: International OpenSolarCA’09 Workshop in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: 24.08.2009 - 26.08.2009. |
Reviewer for the following journals: | International Journal of Geographic Information Science,
Transactions in GIS, Journal of Location Based Services, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and
Geoinformation, MDPI ISPRS Journal of Geo-Information, Int.
Journal of Spatial Data Structures, MDPI Sensors, Journal
Biomass & Bioenergy, Scandinavian
Journal of Forest Research, Journal Geography and Regional Planning, MDPI Sustainability, MDPI Applied Sciences, Geodetski Vestnik, Urban Planning, Mathematical Problems, Remote Sensing, Machines, Social Sensing, Entropy, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering Editorial Board Member
Supervised Thesis
PhD Theses
2022 - | "GeoKnowledge Graphs and GeoAI" (Franziska Hübl) |
ongoing |
2021 - | "Development of performance
parameters for the quantitative assessment of emergency
response measures" (Christian Resch) |
ongoing |
2022 - | "Causal Inferencing and GeoAI for Disaster Risk
Estimation" (David Röbl) |
ongoing |
2021 - | "The Effect of Geographic Determinants on Optimal
Booking Policies in Oversea Delivery" (Matthias Winter) |
ongoing |
2021 - | "Inklusive Notfallversorgung mittels Agentenbasierter
Simulation zur Analyse und Reduktion sozialer Ungleichheit" (Florian Zahorka) |
ongoing |
2014-2018 | PhD Thesis "Indoor
Geography in an Indoor Manufacturing Environment" (Stefan Schabus, MSc) |
completed |
MSc Theses
2022 | "Development of a User Interface for an Existing Spatial Linked Data Approach for Dialect Data" (Georg Weinberger) |
completed |
2022 | "Entwurf einer Datenschnittstelle für die digitalen Bodenschätzungsergebnisse des BEV und Implementierung einer Datenmigration mit Hilfe von Open-Source Werkzeugen" (Roland Pilsinger) |
completed |
2021 | "Spatial Linked Data Approach for Trace Data in Digital Humanities" (Franziska Hübl) |
completed |
2021 | "Umsetzung von Alternativenprüfungen in einer Open-Source-WebGIS Anwendung - Ein Beitrag zur kommunalen Energieraumplanung in der Gemeinde Gleisdorf" (Andreas Stöger) |
completed |
2021 | "Räumlich signifikante Häufungen spezifischer Verhaltensmuster im Kontext teilautomatisierten Fahrens" (Manuel Güttler) |
completed |
2021 | "Erstellung eines Linked Data-Ansatzes für eine europäische Land Cover & Land Use Datenbank" (Christoph König) |
completed |
2021 | "Towards an Ad-hoc multi-modal Transport Platform for small Parcels" (Andreas Bernhart) |
completed |
2021 | "Geographic Information Architecture for AMADEE-20 - A Simulated Mars Exploration Mission" (Paul Langhans) |
completed |
2021 | "Modelling spatial data in knowledge graphs: a top-down approach for the supply chain monitoring domain" (Silvia Dopler) |
completed |
2021 | "Machbarkeitsstudie der Umsetzung von GIS-Anwendungen in einer auf Apps basierenden Web-Client-Lösung am Beispiel der österreichischen Graphenintegrations-Plattform 2.0" (David Kammerhofer, BSc) |
completed |
2020 | "Modeling Route Choice Behavior in Traffic Networks using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning" (Johannes Exenberger, BSc) |
completed |
2020 | "Eco-friendly routing based on current air quality sensor data" (Christoph Url, Bsc) |
completed |
2020 | "GNSS-Positionsbestimmung Anhand von Rohdaten aus einem mobilen Endgerät im Rahmen der Forstinventur im Wald" (Gernot Kainz, BSc) |
completed |
2019 | Road Data-Modelling for Autonomous Driving" (David Oberlerchner, BSc) |
completed |
2018-2019 | "Policy Simulation for Sustainable Energy Supply :: An Agent-based Approach" (Lina Stanzel, BSc) supervision together with Franz Mauthner (AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien) |
completed |
2018-2019 | "Evaluating geo-tagged Twitter Data to analyze Tourist Flows in Styria" (Janja Jeznik, BSc) |
completed |
2016- | "Using agent-based modeling and simulation to simulate a production environment" (Stefan Kern, BSc) |
completed |
2016-2018 | "A Linked Data Approach for Digital Humanities - Prototypical storage of a dialect data set in a triplestore." (Emanuel Hrastnig, BSc) supervision together with Eveline Wandl-Vogt (ÖAW) |
completed |
2016-2018 | "Echtzeit Feedbacksystem für Mikro-ÖV unter Zuhilfenahme von Volunteered Geographic Information" (Benjamin Dienstl, BSc) |
completed |
2016-2017 | "Simulation raumzeitlicher Effekte des Angebots und der Nachfrage von Hackschnitzel: Ein Agenten-basierter Ansatz" (Florian Breitwieser, BSc) supervision together with Ass.Prof. Peter Mandl >> 3rd Place at Karl-Kraus Nachwuchsförderpreis 2018 << |
completed |
2015 -2021 | "Ontology for LULC modeling and translation" (Anna Zobl, BSc) |
completed |
2015 - 2017 | "Development of a SDI for indoor data in a production environment" (Georg Tschampa, BSc) |
completed |
2015-2017 | "Notfallplan Antiesenhochwasser" (Rainer Spalt, BSc) |
completed |
2015-2017 | "Disruptive Technologies in the Geospatial Industry" (Din Jenny Ma, BSc) supervision together with Prof. Vorbach and Harald Wipfler |
completed |
2013/2014 | "Tracking of Production Assets in an indoor Environment" (Stefan Schabus, BSc) |
completed |
BSc Theses
2021 | "Statistische Auswertung eines räumlichen Punktmusters
am Beispiel der historischen Monumente in Mexico Stadt" (Laura Elmer) |
completed |
2019 | "Interaktive Längen- und Flächenmesswerkzeuge für
3D-Modelle" (Mira Höggerl) supported by Austrian Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung |
completed |
2018 | "Räumliche Datenmigration zur Simulation von autonomen
Fahrzeugen" (Roland Pilsinger) |
completed |
2017-2018 | "Semantic Web Ansätze für Holz-Logistikdaten" (Georg Weinberger) supported by Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH |
completed |
2017-2018 | "Zeitlich-räumliche Analyse der Wertschöpfungskette
Holz" (Kim Husmann) supported by Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH |
completed |
2016-2017 | "Holzabfuhr Support-App" (Julius Scheungrab) supported by Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH |
completed |
2016-2017 | "Visualisierung der Wertschöpfungskette Holz" (Maximilian Schachner-Nedherer) supported by Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH |
completed |
2014 | "Analyzing and Monitoring of
Transport Processes in an Indoor Environment" (Philipp Lackner) |
completed |